Thursday, June 6, 2024

Remembering the Days

Remembering The Weeks: As Abq Jew ® first noted thirteen (13!) years ago (wow! like it was yesterday!) in  A Murder of Crows:


Several thousand years ago, all Jews then living, all Jews ever born, and all Jews ever to be born gathered beneath Mount Sinai to hear God speak to us. 

We celebrate this wondrous event every year on the Holiday of Shavuot, the Feast of Weeks, exactly forty-nine full days (which are, as we know now, seven full weeks) after the Holiday of Pesach.

And we recongregate to celebrate Shavuot just one week after we all celebrated Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day) ...

... and just 10 days after Jewish New Yorkers joined October 7 hostage families for the Israel Day Parade.

Ten Commandments

Shavuot (שבועות‎) occurs on the sixth day of the
Hebrew month of Sivan. This year, Shavuot begins
on the evening of Tuesday, June 11.The festival days
are Wednesday and Thursday, June 12-13.

D-Day Army

As we remember what our fathers fought for
and honor their sacrifice ...

To the rule of law

Happy Shavuot!

We will dance again ....

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