
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Yes, In Our Name!

The Song and the Letters: Yes, there have been good happenings this week. Not a lot of them - especially when compared to the slew of bad happenings this week - but Abq Jew says we'll take what we can get.

And keep fighting for what we deserve.

Eden Golan

First among those happenings we'll take is, of course, the splendid showing of Israel's wonderful Eden Golan in this year's Eurovision competition, held in Malmo, Sweden.

Eurovision officials and angry attendees did almost everything possible to silence her voice - including altering the title (October Rain became Hurricane) and lyrics to her song.

October Hurricane

After being booed and bullied, after receiving too many hateful messages on her social media. Eden Golan had to be escorted to the Eurovision venue by armored police cars and dozens of police officers.

And yet she stood there on the Eurovision stage - in front of the whole world - and sang. Twenty years old, with the strength and courage of a lioness. 


Thanks to support from the 'Rest of the World', Israel was able to achieve 5th place in the Eurovision competition. An entirely respectable result. Eden Golan returned to Israel with her head held high.

But wait there's more
From Jewish Students at Columbia University

Columbia Jewish Students

Sharon Otterman of The New York Times recently reported:
In Letter, 540 Jewish Columbia Students Defend Zionism, Condemn Protests

The students wrote that “Zionism remains a pillar of our Jewish identities” and argued that many classmates do not understand its meaning.

A group of Jewish Columbia students has written an emotional and forceful public letter that takes on one of the most divisive issues on college campuses: whether opposition to Israel should be equated with antisemitism.

In the letter, the students argue that “Judaism cannot be separated from Israel.” They also charge that anti-Zionist Jews who deny Israel’s right to exist and stand with pro-Palestinian protesters “tokenize themselves” and try to delegitimize the experiences of Zionist Jews on campus.

Excellent. ICYMI - here is the letter

In Our Name:
A Message from Jewish Students at Columbia University

To the Columbia Community:

Over the past six months, many have spoken in our name. Some are well-meaning alumni or non-affiliates who show up to wave the Israeli flag outside Columbia’s gates. Some are politicians looking to use our experiences to foment America’s culture war. Most notably, some are our Jewish peers who tokenize themselves by claiming to represent “real Jewish values,” and attempt to delegitimize our lived experiences of antisemitism. 

We are here, writing to you as Jewish students at Columbia University, who are connected to our community and deeply engaged with our culture and history. We would like to speak in our name.

Many of us sit next to you in class. We are your lab partners, your study buddies, your peers, and your friends. We partake in the same student government, clubs, Greek life, volunteer organizations, and sports teams as you.

Most of us did not choose to be political activists. We do not bang on drums and chant catchy slogans. We are average students, just trying to make it through finals much like the rest of you. Those who demonize us under the cloak of anti-Zionism forced us into our activism and forced us to publicly defend our Jewish identities.

We proudly believe in the Jewish People’s right to self-determination in our historic homeland as a fundamental tenet of our Jewish identity. 

Contrary to what many have tried to sell you – no, Judaism cannot be separated from Israel. Zionism is, simply put, the manifestation of that belief.

Our religious texts are replete with references to Israel, Zion, and Jerusalem. The land of Israel is filled with archaeological remnants of a Jewish presence spanning centuries. Yet, despite generations of living in exile and diaspora across the globe, the Jewish People never ceased dreaming of returning to our homeland — Judea, the very place from which we derive our name, “Jews.” 

Indeed just a couple of days ago, we all closed our Passover seders with the proclamation, “Next Year in Jerusalem!”

Many of us are not religiously observant, yet Zionism remains a pillar of our Jewish identities. We have been kicked out of Russia, Libya, Ethiopia, Yemen, Afghanistan, Poland, Egypt, Algeria, Germany, Iran, and the list goes on. 

We connect to Israel not only as our ancestral homeland but as the only place in the modern world where Jews can safely take ownership of their own destiny. Our experiences at Columbia in the last six months are a poignant reminder of just that.

We were raised on stories from our grandparents of concentration camps, gas chambers, and ethnic cleansing. The essence of Hitler’s antisemitism was the very fact that we were “not European” enough, that as Jews we were threats to the “superior” Aryan race. This ideology ultimately left six million of our own in ashes.

The evil irony of today’s antisemitism is a twisted reversal of our Holocaust legacy; protestors on campus have dehumanized us, imposing upon us the characterization of the “white colonizer.” 

We have been told that we are “the oppressors of all brown people” and that “the Holocaust wasn’t special.” Students at Columbia have chanted “we don’t want no Zionists here,” alongside “death to the Zionist State” and to “go back to Poland,” where our relatives lie in mass graves.

This sick distortion illuminates the nature of antisemitism: In every generation, the Jewish People are blamed and scapegoated as responsible for the societal evil of the time. 

  • In Iran and in the Arab world, we were ethnically cleansed for our presumed ties to the “Zionist entity.” 
  • In Russia, we endured state-sponsored violence and were ultimately massacred for being capitalists. 
  • In Europe, we were the victims of genocide because we were communists and not European enough. 

And today, we face the accusation of being too European, painted as society’s worst evils – colonizers and oppressors. We are targeted for our belief that Israel, our ancestral and religious homeland, has a right to exist. We are targeted by those who misuse the word Zionist as a sanitized slur for Jew, synonymous with racist, oppressive, or genocidal. 

We know all too well that antisemitism is shapeshifting.

We are proud of Israel. The only democracy in the Middle East, Israel is home to millions of Mizrachi Jews (Jews of Middle Eastern descent), Ashkenazi Jews (Jews of Central and Eastern European descent), and Ethiopian Jews, as well as millions of Arab Israelis, over one million Muslims, and hundreds of thousands of Christians and Druze. 

Israel is nothing short of a miracle for the Jewish People and for the Middle East more broadly.

Our love for Israel does not necessitate blind political conformity. It’s quite the opposite. 

For many of us, it is our deep love for and commitment to Israel that pushes us to object when its government acts in ways we find problematic. Israeli political disagreement is an inherently Zionist activity; look no further than the protests against Netanyahu’s judicial reforms – from New York to Tel Aviv – to understand what it means to fight for the Israel we imagine. 

All it takes are a couple of coffee chats with us to realize that our visions for Israel differ dramatically from one another. Yet we all come from a place of love and an aspiration for a better future for Israelis and Palestinians alike.

If the last six months on campus have taught us anything, it is that a large and vocal population of the Columbia community does not understand the meaning of Zionism, and subsequently does not understand the essence of the Jewish People. 

Yet despite the fact that we have been calling out the antisemitism we’ve been experiencing for months, our concerns have been brushed off and invalidated. 

So here we are to remind you:

  • We sounded the alarm on October 12 when many protested against Israel while our friends’ and families’ dead bodies were still warm.
  • We recoiled when people screamed “resist by any means necessary,” telling us we are “all inbred” and that we “have no culture.”
  • We shuddered when an “activist” held up a sign telling Jewish students they were Hamas’s next targets, and we shook our heads in disbelief when Sidechat users told us we were lying.
  • We ultimately were not surprised when a leader of the CUAD encampment said publicly and proudly that “Zionists don’t deserve to live” and that we’re lucky they are “not just going out and murdering Zionists.”
  • We felt helpless when we watched students and faculty physically block Jewish students from entering parts of the campus we share, or even when they turned their faces away in silence. This silence is familiar. We will never forget.

One thing is for sure.
We will not stop standing up for ourselves.
We are proud to be Jews, and we are proud to be Zionists.   

We came to Columbia because we wanted to expand our minds and engage in complex conversations. While campus may be riddled with hateful rhetoric and simplistic binaries now, it is never too late to start repairing the fractures and begin developing meaningful relationships across political and religious divides. 

Our tradition tells us, “Love peace and pursue peace.” 

We hope you will join us in earnestly pursuing peace, truth, and empathy. Together we can repair our campus.

But wait there's more
From Jewish Students at UNM

UNM Open Letter

Nick Catlin of KOAT recently reported:
Open letter to University of New Mexico regarding antisemitism 
The letter was published to express concerns about possible actions taken to divest from Israel amid its ongoing war with Hamas

An open letter addressed to University of New Mexico administration responds to student protest demands.

It starts by stating it is responding to student protesters who demand the university divest resources from Israel. This is due to the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas since October 2023.

The letter states it is against using university resources to single out Israel. It goes on to state the proposed actions will not end the suffering in Palestine. Rather, it will increase hate and division among the campus community.

Excellent. ICYMI - here is the letter

An Open Letter
To the UNM Administration

To the UNM administration, in particular the Board of Regents and President Stokes,

This letter is a response to the student protests that demand that UNM divest from Israel in response to the war in Gaza.

Before we say anything else, let us state the obvious that the death and destruction happening in Gaza is a horrible tragedy. Far too many civilians in Gaza are suffering terribly and dying through no fault of their own. Just as much as anyone else, we want to see the violence in Gaza end. 

This letter is not a call for or against any proposed solution to the conflict in Gaza, and it is not a call against student protestors' right to freely express their opinions on campus. 

It is a statement against proposed actions that will not help end the suffering in Gaza, but instead will only serve to increase division and hatred at UNM.

Using university resources to single out Israel as a target for condemnation will not help Palestinians' cause. Instead it will be harmful for the following reasons.

The protests around campus calling for divestment from Israel are not limited to only calling for specific actions against Israel, but rather those demands are heavily intertwined with frightening calls for violence against Jews that UNM would legitimize if they accepted the protestors' demands. 

While criticism of Israel on its own does not imply antisemitism, in the case of protests on campus criticism of Israel is heavily intertwined with calls for violence against Jews. They are chanted by the same crowd one after another, and UNM must not consider them separately when planning their response.

Taken seriously, their chants call for violence that is magnitudes worse than what is happening in Gaza today. In the immediate aftermath of the October 7th attacks in which over 1000 innocent Israeli civilians were intentionally killed, protestors at UNM shouted "resistance is justified". Now they can be heard shouting "Israel out of the middle east" among other chants that explicitly deny Israel's right to exist. 

We are inclined to interpret our fellow students' statements charitably, so we like to think that they do not literally want to uproot the 7 million Jews in Israel from their homes and cause mass forced displacement and death of Jews on a scale not seen since the Holocaust, as a literal reading of their statements would suggest. Rather, we take the generous interpretation that they do not seriously think through the meaning of the words they say, that they latch onto catchphrases without critically thinking about what they are saying.

Still, it is imperative that UNM not give any credence to these dangerous, antisemitic statements that overshadow any legitimate criticisms of Israel the protestors are trying to get across, even if these statements are likely nonserious. 

Doing so would send a loud and clear message to Jewish and Israeli students, faculty, and staff at UNM, that they are not safe and not welcome here. 

This would be an especially dangerous message to send, as always, but especially now that antisemitic incidents are on the rise in Albuquerque since the October 7th attacks.

Condemnation of the violent demands of the protestors should not be taken as undermining the significance of the violence that is happening in Gaza. The death and suffering that Palestinians are experiencing every day is real and inescapable, unlike the destruction of Israel that protestors are calling for, which is thankfully just a disturbing fantasy, albeit one that many bad actors around the world sincerely and deeply desire. 

We can and should strongly condemn both the violent, antisemitic demands of protestors and the violence in Gaza.

A central purpose of UNM, and of universities in general, is to provide an environment where people from diverse backgrounds, both within the US and internationally, can come together and learn from each other and participate in scholarly activities as equals. 

It should bring us all great pride to be a part of a diverse institution like UNM where Jewish and Israeli students, and Muslim students and those from Muslim-majority countries, can be collaborators, coworkers, and friends, without politically charged and divisive actions by UNM administration looming over their day-to-day interactions.

In fact, fostering such a safe, welcoming environment where scholars from diverse international backgrounds can come together does far more to promote global peace than putting financial pressure on one side of any not-black-and-white conflict. 

When international scholars come together and work with each other at UNM, it shows everyone that the vast majority of people from any "enemy" country are regular people just like them, interested in science, art, learning, and peacefully coexisting with their neighbors, not harming anyone. 

If they go back to their home countries, their skills and high-quality education can put them in influential positions in society where their mindset can go a long ways to promote peace.

UNM should not jeopardize its most effective method to promote peace in the Middle East—bringing people from the region together as equals and as friends—by openly condemning and divesting from Israel. Instead it should strive to provide an environment where Jewish and Muslim students feel safe and welcome and able to work together.

Divesting UNM resources from only Israel as UNM's response to this conflict paints an unrealistic and harmful picture of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a black-and-white, good-versus-evil conflict. Reality is much more complicated than this simplified picture, and promoting this picture will not bring both sides closer to peaceful coexistence.

Divesting from Israel is far from the only action UNM could do to distance itself from bad actors involved in this war, and doing so would fail to promote both sides making the kinds of hard sacrifices that will need to be made to have long-term peace. 

For example, one of the many funds that UNM's endowment invests in is BlackRock's iShares MSCI ACWI ex U.S. exchange-traded fund. This fund has 0.46% of its assets invested in Israeli companies. 

It also has 0.22% of its assets invested in companies from Qatar. The government of Qatar is well-known to fund and empower Hamas, which is responsible for enormous amounts of death and suffering of Palestinians and Jews during this conflict. 

Do the students that advocate for divestment from Israel also advocate that UNM divest from Qatar? No, they do not. That's because their demands are not about taking actions that promote peaceful coexistence nor have concrete positive effects on Palestinians' lives. 

They are, charitably, about latching on to popular but misguided movements without fully understanding their undertones and consequences, and realistically, at least somewhat about antisemitism too.

UNM researchers enjoy fruitful and productive collaborations with Israeli researchers. In fact UNM and Israeli researchers are joint recipients of many research grants in subjects as diverse as plasma physics, neuroscience, and nanotechnology. 

Full divestment from Israel would necessarily mean cutting off these research programs, as they entail transferring grant money for research between UNM and Israeli institutions. 

Cutting off these important research collaborations would be a disservice to students, faculty, and any other researchers whose careers depend on being able to participate in scientific research that is the product of UNM-Israeli collaboration. 

It would also be a disservice to the public in New Mexico and beyond that benefits from the results of this research, and it would harm UNM's status as an institute where world-class scientific research takes place.

Don't listen to these students' harmful demands. Reject the calls for divestment from Israel and reject antisemitism.

UNM Hillel

Our friends at UNM Hillel have asked
us New MexiJews to sign this letter.

Click here to read and sign!

Eden Golan

Here is the Official Music Video for Hurricane:

Israel 76

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Alex Hassilev Dies at 91

The Last Limeliter: It is with great sadness that Abq Jew informs you - if you haven't yet heard -  of the passing of Alex Hassilev, the last surviving original member of The Limeliters.

The Limeliters

The Limeliters
Alex Hassilev (1932-2024), Lou Gottlieb (1923-1996),
and Glenn Yarbrough (1930-2016)

Don't remember The Limeliters? Oy! They were one of the early folk group greats, right up there with The Kingston Trio and Peter, Paul and Mary. Wikipedia reminds us:

The Limeliters are an American folk music group, formed in July 1959 by Lou Gottlieb (bass violin/bass), Alex Hassilev (banjo/baritone), and Glenn Yarbrough (guitar/tenor).
The group was active from 1959 until 1965, and then after a hiatus of sixteen years, Yarbrough, Hassilev, and Gottlieb reunited and began performing again as The Limeliters in reunion tours. 
On a regular basis a continuation of The Limeliters group is still active and performing. 
Gottlieb died in 1996 (aged 72), Yarbrough died in 2016 (aged 86), and Hassilev died in 2024 (aged 91), the last founding member, who had remained active in the group, retired in 2006, leaving the group to carry on without any of the original members.

Yes, Alex Hassilev was the banjo player. To Abq Jew, he was THE banjo player. He was pretty darn good, in the old-time long-neck (banjo) sort of way. And he had a great baritone voice.

Abq Jew looked - and couldn't find many obituaries online for Alex Hassilev. Here's from the Los Angeles Times, one of the few.

Alex Hassilev, last original member of the ’60s folk trio the Limeliters, dies at 91

Alex Hassilev, the singing, songwriting, guitar and banjo virtuoso who was the last surviving original member of 1960s folk trio the Limeliters, died of cancer April 21 at Providence St. Joseph Medical Center in Burbank. He was 91.

Hassilev was the youngest member of the Limeliters, whose other original members were bassist and comic spokesman Lou Gottlieb (1923-1996) and star tenor Glenn Yarbrough (1930-2016). The band was second only to the Kingston Trio in its popularity during the peak years of the American urban folk music boom of the late 1950s and early ’60s.

After becoming a hit act at San Francisco’s fabled hungry i nightclub only two months after their formation in 1959, the Limeliters became an inescapable presence in mass media. They recorded 13 albums, appeared on television and toured as many as 310 days out of the year. Their most enduring album, “Through Children’s Eyes,” was popular among generations of children and their parents.

Hassilev’s powerful chops on banjo and guitar gave the group’s music much of its rhythmic drive, and his expertise in foreign languages — particularly in French, Portuguese and Russian — made it possible to add songs from outside American folk music to the group’s repertoire. Tall, debonair and handsome, Hassilev also was the sex symbol of the trio.

Hassilev was born in Paris on July 11, 1932, to Russian emigré parents Leonide and Tamara Hassilev. Like his colleagues in the Limeliters, he was an only child — and to one another the three musicians were probably the closest thing to brothers they ever had.

The Hassilevs were Jewish and left Paris for New York City in 1939 ahead of the Nazi occupation of France during World War II, and in Manhattan Leonide Hassilev continued his career as a civil engineer specializing in hydroelectric projects. 

Hassilev had showed early brilliance as a child, picking up new languages with ease and eventually speaking six fluently. When he came to America, he found that he was ahead of his classmates.

.   .   .

A chance listening to the Weavers’ recording of “Kisses Sweeter Than Wine” on the radio electrified him.

“I thought, goddamn, that’s the greatest thing I ever heard, and it made such an impression on me that it kindled my interest in American folk music,” he said during an interview in 1989. 

“At the time, I didn’t know any songs in English.”

Well, he soon learned.

Here is a taste of what Alex Hassilev, Lou Gottlieb, and Glenn Yarbrough were all about. We'll start with a hard-driving (you should excuse the expression), more-or-less straightforward version of the old folk song about John Henry

An African American freedman, John Henry is said to have worked as a "steel-driving man"—a man tasked with hammering a steel drill into a rock to make holes for explosives to blast the rock in constructing a railroad tunnel.

But then there was Max Goolis, and the song about him. A union man (but of course), Max Goolis is said to have worked as a "street-sweeping man"—a man who spent his whole career in the gutter, and who is recalled now for his brave battle with an automatic garbage truck.

The Limeliters, may they sing forever in Gan Eden, could never leave well enough alone. As Abq Jew has written (see August 2015's Those Were The Days), the trio took old songs and made them new. 

Or sometimes completely re-engineered them (see "Max Goolis" above.) And please, please, don't get Abq Jew started about Lou Gottlieb ....

Send in the Clowns

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

CU Later, Agitator!

Keffiyeh Karen Calls Out Columbia: There were an awful lot of awful things that happened this year during Pesach - most notably (for us in the US), the takeover and occupation of several university campuses by what our always-perceptive news media called "pro-Palestinian protestors."

But we know who they really were.

We'll talk about all that (well, some of that) later. But let's start with The Big Question that The Jerusalem Post has asked: 

The Jewish Lion
Is Musafa* Jewish?
* You know, from Disney's Lion King

Parallels between Mufasa and Jewish scripture suggest he is, the Jerusalem Post Staff recently claimed.
In Disney's "The Lion King," the animal kingdom echoes ancient Jewish tales louder than you might think. While the beloved 1994 animation is celebrated for its originality, it's hard not to notice the deep connections it shares with stories from the Torah.
And to prove it, said Staff returned us to the original 2019 Kveller article by Lior Zaltzman.

Lion King Jewish

‘The Lion King’ Is Totally Inspired
by These Jewish Biblical Figures

This is important. Musafa: The Lion King - a prequel to the 2019 remake of the original 1994 film - is scheduled to be released in December. 

And we've got to be ready.

Not Really Urgent

OK. So it's not really urgent. But those images of Jewish Lions are really nice, and give us hope for the future. 

Unlike, say, for example, the unfortunately-named

Johanna King Slutzky
Johanna King-Slutzky

Ms King-Slutzky has - again, unfortunately - achieved her Andy Warhol 15 minutes of fame by speaking to the press on the morning after some students and some others occupied Columbia University's Hamilton Hall.

During which she demanded that Columbia provide food and water to those students and others. And during which she declined to provide her name. But c'mon - the Internet (Jordan Schachtel of The Dossier) found her. 

What Ms King-Sltzky said - and, just as important, what she sounded like - is making the rounds all over the Web. Here is The New York Post's take.
Keffiyeh Karen whines for glass of water, proving pro-terror students are total weaklings

Uh, excuse me, imperialist-Zionist running dogs — could we please have a glass of water?

Sounds like a parody of leftist whining, but amazingly, it isn’t. 

A protester at Columbia University, after her pro-terror cadre broke into and occupied the school’s Hamilton Hall on Tuesday, actually, literally said to the press: “Like, could people please have a glass of water?”

She added: “Do you want students to die of dehydration and starvation?”

The Red Army held out at Leningrad for years despite facing famine; if the Zoomer leftists of today miss one afternoon snacktime, they start seeing the Grim Reaper. 

The peckish pro-Palestinian had previously pouted that the Hamilton occupiers were “asking for a commitment from Columbia for food and water to be brought in.”

In other words: Yes, we’ll break into and illegally seize campus buildings, but you’d better let the Uber Eats guy through. We’ve got a nonexistent genocide to impotently whine about, and that requires beaucoup calories. 

How about a new chant: Globalize the Intifada! Avocado and burrata!

That this hungry hungry Hamasnik is a weedy grad student whose studies reportedly aim at applying a “Marxian lens” to romantic literature completes the bleakly hilarious picture.  

Her demands are of a piece with the whining about amnesty over their illegal actions common among her fellow protesters.

A clear sign that these red-black-and-green diaper babies are in way over their heads, for all their tiers-mondiste tough talk. 

Johanna King Slutzky

The PostMillennial also reported on the incident.

Columbia PhD student accuses school administrators of wanting 'students to die of dehydration and starvation' in occupied campus building

A protester at Columbia University spoke out on Tuesday and delivered the demands of those occupying Hamilton Hall on the school's Morningside campus. The protester was identified as Johanna King-Slutsky, who has been a campus activist at least since 2021. She was with the Student Workers of Columbia and is a PhD student in English and Comparative Literature. 

"Why should the university be obligated to provide food to people who've taken over a building?" She was asked. Officers would move onto the campus later that evening.

"Well uh first of all we're saying that they should be obligated to provide food for students who pay for a meal plan here." Press was later blocked from campus.

And was able to add a bit of Ms King-Slutzky's background. She had been listed on Columbia's website as a PhD student on Tuesday morning, but by evening, that page was missing. Her biography read 

My dissertation is on fantasies of limitless energy in the transatlantic Romantic imagination from 1760-1860. 

My goal is to write a prehistory of metabolic rift, Marx’s term for the disruption of energy circuits caused by industrialization under capitalism. 

I am particularly interested in theories of the imagination and poetry as interpreted through a Marxian lens in order to update and propose an alternative to historicist ideological critiques of the Romantic imagination. 

Prior to joining Columbia, I worked as a political strategist for leftist and progressive causes and remain active in the higher education labor movement.

The End

In conclusion, Abq Jew would like to remind you, his loyal readers, that he is a not a proud graduate of the Columbia University School of Engineering, which (unlike, say, Columbia College) does not have a swimming requirement. But which is strategically located right there on Broadway and 116th Street.

He is, however, an acknowledged graduate of the UCLA School of Engineering and Applied Science. He also attended the University of California at Davis. When it comes to protesting - Abq Jew has been there and has done that. 

And Abq Jew is delighted to share his feelings about all those Pesach protests.


Thursday, April 25, 2024

A Pillar of Fire

And A Goat: We are now cautiously and fearfully watching the antisemitism spreading through our country's universities - including UNM

Students, faculty, and administration. And it's not "just" about Israel  (as if that would be OK). It's very clearly about us. The Jews.

And yet we are enjoying Chol HaMoed Pesach - the holiday's intermediate days - and looking forward (see April 2022's What? Nachshon Again?) to the closing days next week. Abq Jew offers two things to think about.

1. Miracles Await Us

As Abq Jew mentioned a couple of weeks ago (see A Great White Horse), he has been rereading Winter's Tale, Mark Helprin's big, BIG "magic realism" novel of 1983.

Here is a quote from the book - about the Pillar of Fire that we Israelites followed in the desert - that reminds us to think BIG. G-d is with us.

Pillar of Fire

"Do you believe," Virginia asked, "that a pillar of fire actually rose in the desert?"

"No," Hardesty answered. "I don't believe that. I believe that the account of the pillar of fire was merely a metaphor, but for something so much greater and more powerful than just a pillar of fire, that the image, for all its beauty, doesn't even begin to do it justice."

2. Justice Will Come

One little goat - that Father bought for two zuzim - teaches us that actions have consequences. Chad Gadya is a light-hearted, playful song that reminds us that G-d rules the world.

Chad Gadya

,וְאָתָא הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא וְשָׁחַט לְמַלְאַךְ הַמָּוֶת
דְּשָׁחַט לְשׁוֹחֵט, דְּשָׁחַט לְתוֹרָא, דְּשָּׁתָה לְמַיָא
,דְּכָבָה לְנוּרָא, דְּשָׂרַף לְחוּטְרָא, דְּהִכָּה לְכַלְבָּא
 דְּנָשַׁךְ לְשׁוּנְרָא, דְּאַָכְלָה לְגַדְיָא
,דְּזַבִּין אַבָּא בִּתְרֵי זוּזֵי
 חַד גַּדְיָא,חַד גַּדְיָא

Then the Holy One, Blessed be He,
came and slaughter​​​​​​ed the angel of death
who slaughter​​​​​​ed the butcher who slaughter​​​​​​ed the ox
that drank the water that put out the fire
that burned the stick that bit the dog
that bit the cat that ate the goat
that my father bought for two zuzim.

One little goat, one little goat.

Happy Passover

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

It's Pesach 5784!

Passover Is Almost Here: A time to gather with our friends and family, to celebrate our Holiday of Freedom. And freedom, we must realize, is never - ever - to be taken lightly.

Passover Table

Neither should friends and family be taken lightly. And yes, Abq Jew reiterates this especially in light of the hideous attack by the Islamic Republic of Iran on the State of Israel. As South African author Howard Feldman has noted:

Saturday Night

Saturday night? We haven't slept well - or hardly at all - since October 7th. Alas, there will be empty places at our Seder tables this year.

Let My People Go

And thus ,as we approach Passover 2024 / Pesach 5784, we carry on. In the now-famous words of every Jewish Bubbe and Zayde in the world:

Iron Dome

They tried to kill us.
They failed.
Let's eat!

And what would Passover be without videos? Abq Jew here thoughtfully provides three (3) of the classics. You're welcome!

1. Google Exodus: Best. Passover. Video. Ever.

2. Passover Rhapsody: Second. Best. Passover. Video. Ever.

3. The Passover Prank. Best. Passover. Prank. Video. Ever.

For parents who (especially) miss their kids on Pesach.
Who know that Skype is never enough.

And as the Seders approach, Abq Jew must (he must! he must!) take this opportunity to remind us all that Good News, Salvation and Comfort are just one (1) Pesach visitor away.

Echad Mi Yodaya
Tonight Could Be The Night!

At our Pesach seders
we Jews have been opening our doors to Elijah for thousands of years.

We still believe that Elijah the Prophet will return tonight
and announce the Coming of the Messiah.

When that happens, our first question will be:

Did Elijah remember to send out a press release?

If he did — you may learn the Good News in a few days or weeks.
But you can always hear about Salvation and Comfort at &
Your guide to Jewish life in Albuquerque and beyond

A Zissen Pesach, Albuquerque!
Chag Kasher veSameach, New Mexico!

Happy Passover

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Earthquake + Eclipse = ???

No Rapture + No Apocalypse: The BIG NEWS, of course, is about the Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024. Which was like totally viewable over much of North America, but NOT in Albuquerque!

Nope! The Duke City averages about 372 sunny days per year. Which is one reason why Mr & Mrs Abq Jew love it here! But on Monday, it was cloudy.

But never mind! Here is what the eclipse looked like at totality. 

Solar Eclipse

Abq Jew must point out (he must! he must!) to all the amateur and professional photographers out there that no matter where on Earth you viewed it from or whose camera you used to get the shot, this is what the eclipse looked like at totality.

There was, alas, no Rapture recorded, at least as far as Abq Jew - who remained at home, on Earth, indoors - could tell.

Rapture Evangelicals

Which means that Abq Jew in all likelihood wasted $12.99 on the paperback edition (only $2.99 on Kindle!) of

Profit Rapture
How to Profit from the Coming Rapture
Getting Ahead When You're Left Behind

But maybe not. The first edition was published in 2008, but the wise advice it offers remains true today. And tomorrow. And even on Tuesday, April 23,when the Rapture is again on the schedule. 

Yes, that's the First Day of Passover, aka the Second Seder, which leaves us all wondering how many places to set at our table.

NJ Earthquake

And before the Eclipse and the Rapture, there was the Earthquake. The Great New York City Earthquake of April 5, 2024. Which, like oh so many "Great NYC" events, actually took place in New Jersey, the Garden State.

Please excuse Abq Jew (or not) - but he grew up in California, the Golden State. 4.8 on the Richter Scale is barely enough to waken you from a light nap. Hiding under the table? Standing in a doorway? Racing to an open area outside? Then let's talk.

So while we're getting ready for Passover, Lior Zaltzman of Kveller - who has written similar articles in the past - claims that 
Robin Williams’ Retelling of the Passover Story Is a Must-Watch     It's absolutely brilliant.

A lot of performances and videos deserve a place in your family’s Passover canon — they include Six13’s Passover sea shanty, The Prince of Egypt, and Jack Black’s rendition of Chad Gadya.

But I’m here today to propose a new addition to your family’s playlist: a Robin Williams retelling of the Passover story from his 2002 comedy special “Robin Williams Live on Broadway.”

It’s just two minutes long, but it’s so precise and so delightful, and Williams tells it with so much charisma. 

Williams, who passed away in 2014, once called himself an “honorary Jew” and even tweeted a picture of himself wearing a yarmulke shortly before he died, asking if he’d missed his true career calling as rabbi. 

This video certainly has us believing he would have made an awesome Jewish lay leader.

Pesach Taylor Swift

And if that isn't enough to get you and yours Pesachdik, Eliana Jordan of The Jewish Chronicle points us to this year's 

Taylor Swift Haggadah
The Unofficial Taylor Swift Haggadah

Which asks (and answers) such hotly engrossing questions as

Taylor Swift 4 Sons

So as long as we're talking about Passover and the Haggadah, let's talk about

Climate Change
Climate Change

Sunny Hostin of ABC's The View recently claimed - live, on air, to an audience of at least a few hundred - that Climate Change was the cause of The Great NYC Earthquake and The Total NA Solar Eclipse. 

And one more thing.
Cicadas: The Eleventh Plague of 2024
Just what we needed ....

UCONN 2024

The University of Connecticut cheerfully announces that
In 2024, 13-year Brood XIX, which is the largest of all periodical cicada broods, will co-emerge with 17-year Brood XIII; these two broods are adjacent (but not significantly overlapping) in north-central Illinois.

And furthermore proclaims

2024 is a special year for periodical cicadas:

  • For the first time since 2015 a 13-year brood will emerge in the same year as a 17-year brood.
  • For the first time since 1998 adjacent 13-and 17-year broods will emerge in the same year.
  • For the first time since 1803 Brood XIX and XIII will co-emerge.
  • You will be able to see all seven named periodical cicada species as adults in the same year, which will not happen again until 2037. You will not see all seven named species emerge in the state of Illinois again until 2041.
Purdue Basketball

And Purdue gloomily reminds us that
Cicadas aren’t a “Plague of Locusts.” In some areas people call cicadas locusts, but cicadas can’t eat crops like locusts. They only drink trees.

As we leave the happy, happy months of Adar Alef Adar Rishon Adar I and Adar Bet Adar Sheni Adar II, we begin the Month of Miracles: Datsun, as it was known to the ancients. 

Nissan Aries

Or, as we call it today, after our exile in Babylonia: Nissan.

Hamsa Blue

Actually - as we all know - none of the months, weeks, days, or nights since October 7th has been truly, deeply happy. Especially the nights. The news we receive has been terrible, and sometimes even worse. 

And yet we keep going.

Jews do not despair

Monday, April 1, 2024

A Great White Horse

Athansor: This winter (and even now, during New Mexico's windy days of spring) Abq Jew has been rereading Winter's Tale, Mark Helprin's big, BIG "magic realism" novel of 1983.


In which Athansor, a great white horse - the stuff of legends - gallops with Peter Lake through an imaginary New York, leaping impossible distances and effecting impossible escapes. It's a great story, and Mark Helprin's beautifully descriptive writing is such a pleasure to read. 

Andrews Sisters

For reasons that Abq Jew cannot even begin to explain, thinking about Winter's Tale started him to thinking about The Andrew Sisters, who had their first major hit with "Bei Mir Bistu Shein" - the world's "best-known and longest-reigning Yiddish theater song of all time" - in 1937.

Abq Jew can't remember anything anymore - he is ashamed to admit that he had to look up The Andrews Sisters to jog his memory on which one was Maxene, which one was Patty, and which one was LaVerne. 

So - for those of us who also can't recall the particulars of American Yiddish theater (Mr & Mrs Abq Jew once lived a stone's throw from Second Avenue, when the 2ND AVE DELI was on Second Avenue), Wikipedia reminds us:

"Bei Mir Bistu Shein" (Yiddish: בײַ מיר ביסטו שיין, "To Me You're Beautiful") is a popular Yiddish song written by lyricist Jacob Jacobs and composer Sholom Secunda for a 1932 Yiddish language comedy musical, I Would If I Could (in Yiddish, Men Ken Lebn Nor Men Lost Nisht, "You could live, but they don't let you"), which closed after one season at the Parkway Theatre in Brooklyn, New York City. 

Five years after its 1932 composition, English lyrics were written for the tune by Sammy Cahn and Saul Chaplin, and the English version of the song became a worldwide hit when recorded by The Andrews Sisters in November 1937.

Paddington Bear Station

Since 1937, everyone and his brother and sister and assorted other relatives has recorded his or her or their own versions of "Bei Mir Bistu Shein" - from The Barry Sisters to Bette Midler & Paul Simon to The Hot Sardines to Zoe & Cloyd.

And then there's The Bear Missed The Train, written and performed by the Smith Street Society Jazz Band sometime around 1964. 

Abq Jew recalls that Al "Jazzbo" Collins used it as the theme on his late night jazz show in San Francisco - which Abq Jew and his father, Richard W Yellin  z"l, listened to on their way home from Giants games at Candlestick Park.

Aliens in America Gothic

Speaking of Aliens in America (which Abq Jew acknowledges we were not), Abq Jew would like to take this opportunity to remind all of us that there are three (3) places in the United States of America where nearly everyone agrees aliens have landed.

Abq Jew
refers to (of course):

Ellis Island

Ellis Island, New York

Grover's Mill

Grover's Mill, New Jersey


Roswell, New Mexico

Abq Jew has visited Ellis Island many times - he is, after all (actually before all), a New Yorker. And the grandson of immigrants.

Intel Logo

And once upon a time, when Abq Jew was working on the Digital Video Interactive (DVI) project at Intel's PRO Princeton Operation (located in Plainsboro, but Princeton has more yichus), the team had a picnic lunch near the War of the Worlds historical marker down the road.

Abq Jew has visited New Mexico since 2001, owned a home here since 2008, lived here since 2010, and pleads nolo contendere to the charge that he has not yet made the opportunity to visit Roswell, right in his own backyard.

Which brings us to the Great Swiss Spaghetti Harvest of 1957, which Abq Jew remembers quite clearly. A mild winter and the virtual disappearance of pests like the spaghetti weevil had resulted in a bumper spaghetti crop in - of all places - Switzerland, otherwise known for its seafood.

I love Purim