
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Gary King @ Congregation Albert

Brotherhood Breakfast & Open Forum: No, Abq Jew does not get very excited about New Mexico's political campaigns. But this event could be interesting.

And, there's breakfast.

Brotherhood Breakfast & Open Forum
Gubernatorial Candidate
Attorney General Gary King
Congregation Albert
Sunday October 5 ~ 10:00 am

Congregation Albert Brotherhood scheduled its 2014 debate between New Mexico Gubernatorial candidates for Sunday October 5. Governor Susana Martinez declined the invitation to debate her opponent.

The event will now be a Candidate Breakfast and Forum with Gubernatorial candidate Attorney General Gary King.

Congregation Albert Brotherhood has hosted candidate debates for more than 50 years, welcoming candidates for Mayor, US Senate, US House of Representatives, Governor, Attorney General and other offices. King accepted the invitation promptly, and Congregation Albert Brotherhood will maintain its public service tradition of making candidates’ views on matters of interest available to both the congregational and local community.

King will be present during the famous and delicious breakfast, after which he will speak on issues of the day that are important to New Mexicans. He will answer questions and visit with the audience.

$10 for Brotherhood and Sisterhood members. $12 community. Reservations are requested, and can be made by calling (505) 883-1818 extension 3203 or by emailing

And while we're talking, please don't forget

And if you haven't already

And get ready for Yom Kippur with

Let your spirit soar!
G'mar chatima tova!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Don't Let Go!

Rosh Hashanah 5775: Remember the Ein Prat Fountainheads? Abq Jew blogged about them just before Rosh Hashanah 5772 (see Rosh HaShanah) and plenty of other times.

The Fountainheads are a group of young Israeli dancers, singers, actors and artists, all graduates and students of the Ein Prat Academy for Leadership, who have have joined forces to create new Jewish artistic content for today's Jewish World.

All members of the group have spent time living and studying at the Ein Prat Academy, working to create a new Israeli-Jewish identity and building a strong and diverse community that celebrates Jewish life.

Well, in any case - The Fountainheads are incredibly excited to share their brand new Rosh Hashanah video for 5775 - "Don't Let Go!"

This video is about improving yourself and contributing to a better world. What resolution will you make this year?

It's a new season and a new year, with great opportunities 
to change yourself for the better.
Don't Let Go!

 And in case you missed 5772's Best. RH. Video. Ever.

No apples, pomegranates, babies, or smartphones
were harmed in the filming of this video.
Please don't feed babies honey.


Shana Tova u'Metuka, Albuquerque!
A Good & Sweet Year, New Mexico!

Friday, September 19, 2014

For Rosh Hashanah 5775

Chocolat Menta Mastik: Almost one year ago, at Noah time (see It's Noah Time!), it was Abq Jew's honor and pleasure to bring you

Chocolat, Menta, Mastik (שוקולד מנטה מסטיק)
Chocolat, Menta, Mastik (שוקולד מנטה מסטיק: Chocolate, Mint, Gum) was an Israeli female musical trio, active in the 1970s, composed of Yardena Arazi, Ruthie Holzman and either Tami Azaria (1972-1973) or Leah Lupatin. All the girls served in the IDF as part of the Nahal Ensemble.  
The trio performed both in Israel and Internationally, especially after being the 1976 entry to the Eurovision Song Contest in The Hague.
Here they are again, singing  a Rosh Hashanah favorite.

This is for no reason except that Abq Jew is feeling old and sentimental.

He has just returned from a wonderful week in Long Island, where he and Mrs Abq Jew visited with family and friends, celebrated the wedding of Jan and Justin Vandow, and dined at Ben's Kosher Deli in Manhattan.

But the highlight of the trip? Abq Jew finally (after two whole entire months) got to meet his second granddaughter, Violet Olivia.

Shabbat Shalom, Albuquerque!
Good Shabbos, New Mexico!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Screens from a Survey

What to Expect: Yes, Abq Jew announced way back in February (see Jews Don't Count and Pew, Feh, Ich, Yich) and reiterated on Erev Labor Day (see Starting to Count Jews) that

The Jewish Federation of New Mexico has commissioned
the first ever scientific study to determine the community’s demographic composition, assess current needs of
Jewish residents, and plan for the future. 

Well, it's now official. If by some chance you were not among those fortunate few (or fortunate many - Abq Jew doesn't really know) to receive a phone call from the Survey in the last couple weeks

It is now up to you to take action by clicking here
and completing the online questionnaire.

And if you were looking for it - here is the official Survey invitation.

Once you click here or there or on any graphic in this blog post, you will be warmly welcomed to the Jewish Demographic Survey of New Mexico.

The Survey gets down to tachlis pretty quickly.

How important is being Jewish in your life?

Abq Jew knows how he would answer that question, because that's how he answered that question. But he is not going to tell you, because all individual answers to the Survey are completely confidential.

It nevertheless goes without saying (although Abq Jew is saying it) that

The general or aggregate results will be shared
with all synagogues and Jewish organizations in New Mexico
to help better serve the needs of our people.

No, Abq Jew is not going to show you all the Survey's questions. But he is going to show you this one, especially for its suggested responses, of one of which he is particularly proud.

Thanks for the shout-out, JFNM!
Readers! Show Abq Jew some love!

Abq Jew would like to report that 

There are sizable cash rewards for completing the Survey.

But there aren't. All you get is this screen.

And the screen should be enough, although a T-shirt would be better. After all, your honest answers will

help to create a better understanding of Jews in New Mexico  - our age and gender structure, place of residence, education level, migration patterns, affiliation and conversion rates.

Mazeltov & Bracha!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

5775 Community Selichot Service

5775 is Just Around the Corner: And thus, it is time for the Albuquerque Jewish community's annual observance of Selichot, with this year's special guests - violinists Jeff & Ian Brody.

Community Selichot Service
Congregation B'nai Israel
Saturday Evening ~ September 20
with violinists Jeff & Ian Brody

The service will be led by Rabbis Deborah Brin, Arthur Flicker, Min Kantrowitz and Harry Rosenfeld and Cantor Barbara Finn.

Woven within the traditional prayers and liturgy will be musical interludes by violinists Jeff Brody and his son Ian. Their repertoire will include an arrangement of Shalom Aleichem, niguns, selections by Ernest Bloch and the Bruch Kol Nidre.

Meditation service at 7:00, Havdalah at 7:30. At 7:45, a discussion of the musical themes of the High Holy Days, conducted by Cantor Barbara Finn. Then classes on High Holy Days traditions and practices, taught by the four rabbis.

Selichot service at 9:00, and our traditional reception, sponsored by the Yudin Selichot Memorial Fund, at 9:45. The Bobrick family, assisted by Sisterhood members, will prepare the delicious buffet for this part of the evening.

And don't forget -

Friday, September 12, 2014

Golem @ ¡Globalquerque! 2014

Golem Rocks: Abq Jew is pleased to announce that the klezmer-rock band Golem will be performing at this year's ¡Globalquerque!

¡Globalquerque! presents Golem
National Hispanic Cultural Center
Saturday September 20 @ 6:00 pm

And just to let you know -
Klezmer-rock band Golem was founded by Annette Ezekiel Kogan in New York City in 2000. 
Since then, the band (Annette Ezekiel Kogan, Aaron Diskin,Jeremy Brown, Curtis Hasselbring, Taylor Bergren-Chrisman, Tim Monaghan) has become a leading re-interpreter and innovator of Yiddish and Eastern European music, pushing tradition forward into the 21st century.  
Golem performs nationally across the United States and internationally, in clubs and festivals in France, Germany, Poland, Sweden and Mexico.
After a self-released album, Homesick Songs (2004), Golem released two albums, Fresh Off Boat (2006) and Citizen Boris (2009) on the independent Jewish label Jdub Records.

Their new release, Tanz (2014), on the prestigious Mexican label Corasón Digital and produced by Tony Maimone of Pere Ubu, marks a conscious move into new territory, with mainly original material.
The album was released to great critical acclaim, and was reviewed on the NPR program "Fresh Air."  
Golem's music has been featured in several films and documentaries from the U.S., Germany and Russia, and most recently the band performed on an episode in season 4 of the hit television show, "Louie."  
Golem is known for its virtuosic musicianship, theatricality, humor and fearless wild energy, combined with a boundless love of tradition. 
Golem is “not your father’s klezmer band, unless of course your father was Sid Vicious” (Jewish Week).
Want to know what Golem sounds like? Here is a sample:

If you're thinking of a more
traditional way to pass the evening -

And don't forget -

Shabbat Shalom, Albuquerque!
Good Shabbos, New Mexico!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Temple Aaron - 5775 and Onward

A National Jewish Treasure: Have you been to Temple Aaron in Trinidad, Colorado? Have you davened there? Whether you have or have not, Abq Jew cheerfully reminds you that
Temple Aaron has but a handful of members, and they come from a geographically wide-spread area.  
The Temple is perfectly maintained as it always has been - mostly because of the upbeat spirit and care of the Rubin family and other congregants who make sure Temple Aaron continues its traditions.  
The service is Reform only, as the Temple carries on as it was started – Reform. The Rubins invite all nice Jewish people to come to Trinidad and visit - or better yet, join - the congregation.

As they have since who remembers when, Temple Aaron will be offering High Holy Day services this year. The community would love to welcome you!

If you haven’t joined the “Friends of Aaron” before,
it’s a wonderful experience. 

Trinidad is funky, Temple Aaron is stunning
(with space for children and their parents to roam),
Rabbi John Feldman pours his heart into the services,
and it means so much to the diminishing communities of
Raton and Trinidad to see a presence from Albuquerque.  

Everyone gets together for dinner on the eve
of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. There is also a
break-fast at the Temple (nominal fee for non-members). 
Contact: Jon Bell (505) 270-4100

But that's not why Abq Jew is writing. This is:

Temple Aaron is facing a challenge - and an opportunity.

The Rubins recently sent out this letter to Temple Aaron's many congregants and friends.
The time is now. We need your help! 
Opportunities have arisen regarding repairs to our historic building. Areas of need include a deteriorated roof, window seals, and plumbing, among others. Of these, the most pressing is the roof. As many of you may know, the existing roof on the Temple is the original, built in 1889. After endless years of leaks, holes, damage, we have temporarily made repairs, but a permanent solution is critical and must be addressed at this time. 
As we are applying for grant funding, Temple Aaron must commit to matching funds: our obligation in the $50,000-$60,000 range. With pledges from each person who cares for Temple Aaron and our agreement to ‘spread the word’, we can make this happen! 
Each person joining our Temple Aaron family becomes connected to our long history and wants it maintained. 
The congregation has grown as members and many friends have contributed financially to help preserve this historic building, the congregation, and our long history. 
Numerous visitors come equipped with cameras and questions, finding the perfect lighting, angles, design to depict the beauty and intensity we all feel. Whether a social visit or celebrating a religious holiday, the energy of Temple Aaron shines through. 
The question becomes how do we keep our little congregation and its historic home alive? What must we all do to continue to grow, to share our commitment to preserving Jewish life in rural Trinidad, Colorado? 
A fortunate set of circumstances has come to be, with the upcoming state grant and Rural Philanthropy Days conference, offering a chance to seek out available grants this fall. 
Our own member, Jack Rouff, of Denver, has generously offered his professional services, expertise, perseverance, and time for grant writing. Jack has agreed to participate and apply for funding. 
This is a hopeful possibility for Temple Aaron. 
The time is upon us to take action! The past generosity of our members and friends has helped keep Temple Aaron open for over 100 years! The pressing repairs and Temple maintenance make this an emergency situation that requires a much larger financial commitment. 
If we all look inward and continue our own generosity, as well as seeking help from others outside our immediate community, we can keep our Temple Aaron going for the next 100 years. 
Your generous pledge or tax-deductible donation will help keep our synagogue ongoing. 
These pledges and donations must be received before September 29 to meet the grant requirements. 
As always, we appreciate your support!
Please send pledges and contributions to

Randy and Tamar Rubin     228 South 6th Street
Raton, NM 87740

And don't forget -

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Honoring Dr Saul Hertz

The Origin of Nuclear Medicine: Dr Saul Hertz (1905-1950) discovered radioactive iodine as a tracer / diagnostic tool, and as a therapy for Graves disease and  thyroid cancer.

Radioactive iodine (RAI) is the first targeted cancer therapy.  Dr Hertz established a cornerstone of Nuclear Medicine as being the first and foremost person to develop the experimental data on RAI and apply it to the clinical setting.

Dr Saul Hertz
and the Origin of Nuclear Medicine
National Museum of Nuclear Science & History
September 13 ~ October 12, 2014

To honor Dr Hertz and his work, the National Museum of Nuclear Science & History will host Dr Saul Hertz and the Origin of Nuclear Medicine, a special exhibition that celebrates Dr Hertz, a pioneer and founding father of Nuclear Medicine.

The exhibit will include vivid images, vintage newspaper articles, historical letters detailing this medical revelation- and much more - to provide an in-depth look at the work of a Jewish doctor whose medical discovery transformed the world of medicine during an extremely challenging time of racism, fear of nuclear medical applications and economic pressures.

Here is more of Dr Hertz's bio, from
Dr. Hertz was born to Orthodox Jewish immigrant parents in Cleveland, Ohio on April 20, 1905. He received his A.B. from the University of Michigan in 1925 with Phi Beta Kappa honors. 
After graduating from Harvard Medical School in 1929 he fulfilled his internship and residency at Mt. Sinai Hospital in Cleveland. He then joined the Thyroid Clinic at Boston's Massachusetts General Hospital serving as Chief of the Thyroid Unit from 1931 - 1943. 
On November 12, 1936 Dr. Karl Compton, president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, spoke at a luncheon lecture. His topic was "What Physics can do for Biology and Medicine." 
After the presentation Dr. Hertz spontaneously asked Dr. Compton, "Could iodine be made radioactive artificially?" Dr. Compton responded in writing on December 15, 1936 that in fact "iodine can be made artificially radioactive." 
A collaboration between Dr. Hertz (MGH) and Dr. Arthur Roberts, a physicist of MIT, was established. In late 1937, early experiments involving 48 rabbits demonstrated that the normal thyroid gland concentrated Iodine 128, and the hyper plastic thyroid gland took up even more Iodine. 
In January of 1941, Dr. Hertz was the first to administer radioactive iodine at the Massachusetts General Hospital that lead to a series of twenty-nine patients with hyperthyroidism. This proved to be a success. 
After serving in the Navy during World War II, Dr. Hertz wrote to the director of the Mass General Hospital in Boston, Dr. Paxon on March 12, 1946, "it is a coincidence that my new research project is in Cancer of the Thyroid, which I believe holds the key to the larger problem of cancer in general." 
In 1946, Dr. Hertz established the Radioactive Isotope Research Institute, with a major focus on the use of fission products for the treatment of thyroid cancer, goiter, and other malignant tumors. He went on to research the influence of hormones on cancer. 
Dr. Hertz's use of radioactive iodine as a tracer in the diagnostic process, as a treatment for Graves' disease and in the treatment of cancer of the thyroid remain the preferred practices.

The Dr Saul Hertz and the Origin of Nuclear Medicine exhibit will be the first initiative in the revitalization of the Museum’s permanent Nuclear Medicine Exhibit. 

Currently housing such artifacts as the first gamma camera used on human beings, the Museum hopes to expand this exhibition - focusing on nuclear medicine - while also solidifying it as a source of pride for our local medical community.

Click here to learn about additional events associated with this exhibit. Click here for a nice video that explains it all.

And don't forget -

Friday, September 5, 2014

G-dcast on Parshat Ki Teitzei

Treating Animals Well: Just in case you were wondering what G-dcast does beside bringing us here in Albuquerque our very own eScapegoat ....

Let's just say G-dcast offers

Videos, apps, and interactive experiences for everyone.

G-dcast's specialty, Abq Jew claims, is its series of videos about the Torah portion of the week.
This week's parsha is Ki Teitzei כּי תצא, When You Go Out, about which G-dcast says:
A mitzvah is a commandment, and this week's parsha is chock full of them - 70 mitzvahs all told! 
Jeremy Benstein is an Israeli environmental leader who is our guide into Ki Teitzei this week. Join him, some cats, dogs, oxen, donkeys and more than a few birds to hear what the Torah has to say about preventing the suffering of animals.

Shabbat Shalom, Albuquerque!
Good Shabbos, New Mexico!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Fall 2014 @ OASIS Albuquerque

Great Courses @ OASIS:  You know about OASIS, right?  Abq Jew has featured OASIS Albuquerque on several occasions, and lists OASIS Abq courses of Jewish interest on his Learn/FiftyPlus page.

OASIS (as stated on the organization's website) is

 ... a unique educational program for adults age 50-plus who want to learn, grow and explore new ideas. We promote successful aging through lifelong learning, health programs and volunteer engagement. OASIS Albuquerque has just announced their Fall 2014 line-up of classes.

Registration will open on Wednesday September 10

Newly-appointed Executive Director Kathleen Raskob (Michael Nutkiewicz has retired) has indeed continued to make sure there are plenty of courses of Jewish interest.  This session's courses and instructors include:

Shakespeare & the Jews
Tue 23 September 2014 @ 1:00 pm - #54
Instructor: Barry Gaines
What It Is: In 1290, King Edward I expelled all Jews from England where they had lived since first arriving with William the Conqueror in 1066. William Shakespeare lived between 1564 and 1616, which means he had little if any opportunity to see or get to know a practicing Jew. Yet Christopher Marlowe's The Jew of Malta was a hit around 1590 and Shakespeare followed with The Merchant of Venice. Where did they get their material? Are these plays anti-Semitic?

How Bad Was Jezebel?
Mon 29 September 2014 @ 10:30 am - #80
Instructor: Janet Gaines
What It Is: Jezebel has a reputation as the bad girl and the wickedest of women in the Bible. The ancient queen is denounced as a murderer, prostitute, and enemy of God, and her name has been adopted for sexy lingerie and World War II missiles alike. But how depraved is Jezebel? This class will reexamine and perhaps reclaim the shadowy femme fatale, evaluate her motives, and view the queen's narrative from her own vantage point.

Whose Holocaust?
Thu 2 & 9 October 2014 @ 10:30 am - #22
Instructor: Noel Pugach
What It Is: This class will discuss the historiography of the Holocaust, raising crucial questions about how we craft our image of the past, and how history and memory are linked to national and religious identity. Two major dimensions will be covered: what drove Nazi Germany to carry out the Final Solution, in other words, the Intentionalist-Functionalist debate; and how did European Jewry respond to the largely successful effort to annihilate them? Did they resist enough?

The Spanish Inquisition & Crypto-Jews in New Mexico
Tue 7 October 2014 @ 1:00 pm - #95
Instructor: Sandra K Toro
What It Is: Author Sandra Toro will talk about the history of the Spanish Inquisition in this hemisphere with emphasis on the southwest. Learn about New Mexico's hidden Jews who maintained Jewish traditions while they publicly practiced other faiths. Professor Roger L Martinez (University of Colorado) wrote, "Through her exquisite prose, Sandra K Toro recreates the lives of New Mexico's crypto-Jews ... and rekindles our memory of that dramatic era."

You Are My Path to God: Buber & Levinas
Thu 23 October @ 10:30 am - #27
Instructor: Paul J Citrin
What It Is: In this talk, two original 20th century philosophers are introduced: Martin Buber and Emmanuel Levinas. Their philosophies of dialogue make them among the most widely regarded spiritual thinkers in the West, who influenced the fields of religion, psychiatry, and ethics.

The Dead Sea Scrolls: A Primer
Fri 24 October 2014 @ 10:30 am - #81
Instructor: Frank Yates
What It Is: Since their discovery on the northeast shore of the Dead Sea in 1947, the Dead Sea Scrolls have provided scholars a unique insight into the Essene sect that lived there before and during the beginning of the Christian era. These writings tell us much about the group's opposition both to the temple priesthood and the Roman occupiers. All are encouraged to look online or buy a book containing these documents for further study.

Nu Shu: Chinese Women's Writing
Thu 6 November 2014 @ 10:30 am - #25
Instructor: Norma Libman
What It Is: In pre-Communist China, women in the Hunan Province invented their own secret written language, called Nu Shu, which they used to communicate with each other as they weren't allowed to go to school and learn Mandarin. They embroidered it into household linens so the men wouldn't know what they were doing. Norma Libman will tell us how this language was discovered, what is happening to it now, and how she used translations of actual women's stories to write her recently released novel, Lonely River Village.

Women & Sexuality in Hebrew Scripture
Thu 4 December 2014 @ 1:00 pm - #28
Instructor: Hilary Lipka
What It Is: This presentation, melding history, religion, and modern feminist theory, examines biblical legal traditions concerning marriage, sex, and procreation. How is women's sexuality treated in the Old Testament, and what can it tell us about women's sexual lives in ancient Israel? We will explore this question by considering biblical texts that address women's premarital and marital sexual behavior. We will discuss what these texts reveal about ancient Israelite expectations of women.

Religion in New Mexico
Tue 9 December 2014 @ 10:30 am - #32
Instructor: Kathleen Holscher
What It Is: An interdisciplinary humanities and social science-based look at faith communities in our state. NM has a history characterized by the meeting of Christianity and indigenous world views. Today the state is home to diverse Christians, as well as Jews, Sikhs, Buddhists, Muslims, and an eclectic array of "new agers." Holscher will present the historical roots of this diverse landscape and analyze how religion has helped form the region's political and cultural identity.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Fall 2014 @ Osher - UNM Continuing Education

Great Courses @ Osher:  You know about Osher, right? Although this is the first time that Abq Jew has featured Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, he has often listed Osher courses of Jewish interest on his Learn/FiftyPlus page.

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of New Mexico brings the challenge and excitement of university learning to adults age 50 plus who want to explore stimulating and fascinating subjects. All of the traditional disciplines are offered, as well as new areas of research and study.

Osher at the University of New Mexico offers a wide range of courses, lectures and special events to its members.  Courses and lectures are taught by UNM faculty as well as by qualified members of the community. There are no tests or grades, just learning for the pure joy.

Your membership in Osher means discovering new friends, new knowledge and new ways of bringing meaning and enjoyment to your life. This program is made possible through a generous grant from the Bernard Osher Foundation. The Foundation has funded Institutes from Hawaii to Maine to offer intellectually stimulating learning opportunities for mature adults.

Registration is now open.

This session's courses and instructors include:

The Queen Esther Obsession
Tue 9 September 2014 @ 1:00 pm - #19147
Instructor: Naomi Sandweiss
What It Is: Queen Esther, the biblical heroine, was the subject of intense interest among Christians and Jews during the 15th to 17th centuries. Especially in Italy, images of Esther appeared in artwork, church decorations, and marriage furniture, while books and plays about the biblical heroine also proliferated. Through viewing historical materials and artwork (including paintings by Veronese, Turabouni and others), this illustrated presentation will describe the “Esther Obsession” and explain some of the reasons behind the intense interest.

Our Muslim Neighbors
Tue 10 October Sukkot  / 4 November 2014 @ 2:00 pm - #19817
Instructor: Ned O'Malia
What It Is: Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the world; it may also be the most misunderstood. There are now more Muslims in America than Jews or Presbyterians.  There are over 1400 mosques in the United States. This illustrated lecture will review the Five Pillars of Islam and Mohammed the prophet of Islam. The growth of Islam in America will be traced through  several Black National movements especially Malcolm X and the Black Muslims. A rapid increase in Muslim population came with immigration reforms in 1964. These reforms ushered in a generation of educated, Americanized immigrant Muslims. Demographics, national population statistics and political associations will be discussed. Islam in New Mexico is a special feature. The future of Islam in America is speculated.

The DNA of Christopher Columbus
Fri 17 October Simchat Torah 2014 @ 3:30 pm - #19480
Instructor: Angel R Cervantes, Director, New Mexico DNA Project
What It Is:  The exact ethnic or national origin of Christopher Columbus has been a source of controversy since the 19th century. It is generally agreed upon by many historians that Columbus’ family was from Genoa, Italy. Angel Cervantes will show a documentary on his life and theories on his possible origins. We’ll discuss his DNA markers and what they indicate. The results may surprise you and may change the family history of Columbus.

The Mystery of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Mon 20 & 27 October 2014 @ 3:00 pm - #19830
Instructor: Jane Ellen, Lecturer, Composer, Performing and Recording Artist
What It Is: For more than 60 years, the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls has fascinated the public, while the scrolls themselves have continued to be the subject of endless debate and speculation. Discovered between 1947 and 1956 in caves near the northwestern shore of the Dead Sea, the texts of the Dead Sea Scrolls are of great religious and historical significance. They include some of the only known surviving copies of Biblical documents made before 100 B.C.E. and preserve evidence of late Second Temple Judaism. This class will present an introduction to the history  of the scrolls, an overview of their content, and will examine their significance in the fields of Biblical Archaeology  and Biblical Scholarship. Videos and handouts will help to amplify our study of one of Judaisms most fascinating treasures.

Erich Wolfgang Korngold: King of the Swashbucklers
Tue 4 November 2014 @ 3:00 pm - #19612
Instructor: Bryan Stoneburner
What It Is: The Hungarian-born, Viennese-trained composer, Erich Wolfgang Korngold is best remembered today for his 1930s film scores, especially the Errol Flynn swashbucklers. Like many film composers in cinema’s Golden Age, his rich orchestrations and lush harmonies reflect the Late Romantic tradition of Wagner, Richard Strauss, Puccini and Mahler. It’s just that he did it better. But less well known is that he was also a composer of ‘serious’ compositions which get far less play today. In this class we’ll explore the classic film scores like Captain Blood, The Sea Hawk, Kings Row, and Robin Hood as well as works like the opera Die  Tote Stadt and the Violin Concerto.

A Mobster in the Family: Jewish Outlaws, Gangsters & Bandits
Fri 7 November 2014 @ 10:00 am - #19433
Instructor: Naomi Sandweiss
What It Is: From Meyer Lansky to Bernie Madoff, some Jewish Americans followed illegal paths to the American dream. Meet Jewish gangsters, outlaws and mobsters. Consider the historical/social context of American Jews who pursued criminal careers.

The Bible in Popular Culture: An Introduction
Mon 1 & 8 December 2014 @ 2:00 pm - #19816
Instructor: Jane Ellen, Lecturer, Composer, Performing and Recording Artist
What It Is: Easily one of the best-selling books of all time, the Bible is actually a collection of books and letters written in three languages, by multiple authors, across the centuries. Responsible for influencing human history perhaps more than any other volume, it eventually entered the popular vernacular resulting in popular quotes and misquotes, strange ideas and misconceptions, and—of course, never-ending disputes. This introductory two-part class will explore the background of the documents, the history of its versions, and attempt to unravel some of the popular Biblically-based stories, myths, and misconceptions that permeate western culture.

Monday, September 1, 2014

A New Milestone: 238,783 Page Views

To Life! To Life! L'Chaim!  On September 1, 2014, at 10:31 am New Mexico (Mountain) Time, this Abq Jew Blog achieved 238,783 All Time Page Views.

We achieved 203,503 All Time Page Views
on May 29, 2014 - just three months ago.
That's about 370 Page Views per Day.
Thank you!